Dispositions and What Others See

This week focuses on the various dispositions of what others see.


I overheard a father telling his son what he would do to him; however, it was not worth repeating if he disobeyed one more time.


That same day, as I visited my local Walmart, many know someone usually checks your receipt on the way out the door.


Depending on how many items they may wave to you on your way out the door.


As I prepared to show my receipt for the salad and bread, I was given the wave I usually receive from one of my favorite Walmart Checkers.


Although he is grossly overweight and unable to stand physically for too long, he sits with a smile worth seeing on the way out the door.


What you would witness is if you can imagine a big smile and a wave that states have a good day without saying a word.


I tell myself that, of the 30-plus times I’ve seen him, it’s always the same authentic smile and wave.


I would like to have what he is drinking.


Sadly, others could learn a lesson watching him.


Every day, we have various choices regarding our disposition for the day.  Maybe, you witnessed or noticed that sometimes you and I can become irritated at something so small that it turns our world upside down.


Sometimes, it can be something minor that turns into something major that we think is too big to deal with, and it lingers throughout the day.


Then, on the other hand, it could be a combination of taking a personal timeout and just praying about it, provided we are focused enough.


As I continue to study the various aspects of positive intelligence and master the importance of finding gifts and opportunities in every situation, I often wonder what others are doing about their specific dispositions on display for all to see.


We’ve all heard impatient mothers or fathers tell their children, “Wait until we get home.”


Is waiting something we want to do?


We live in a different time, with various generations seeing and mirroring others.


As I attended the 0800 Mass this morning, my disposition was to satisfy an obligation and attend Mass before returning home.


Travel and Catholics’ Sunday Obligation to Attend Mass (learnreligions.com)


This was the disposition I had before going to sleep, knowing that I had a Sunday obligation to participate in Mass even when away from home.


It felt good when the Priest said, “Turn to your left and right and greet the person next to you.”


That alone made it all worth the 26-minute ride to get there.  Not to mention, I had googled “Catholic Churches near me” and found one that had Mass at 0800 before traveling back home from my weekend in Tennessee.


Finally, the last exciting conversation was just before checking out when one of the housekeepers knocked on a door and said, “Housekeeping.”


Ironically, as I was behind the maintenance man heading to my room, he said, “Just kick it in; that will give me something to fix.”


Sometimes, people say the darndest things, and it doesn’t matter who’s listening.


My first thought is that it’s a Sunday morning and not even 10:AM, and that’s your disposition for the day.


Today, I challenge you to consider your disposition for this past weekend.  Did it show on your face, or was it concealed from others?


I took notice of the various dispositions of others, watching and listening to people complain about how hot it was this weekend.


It doesn’t bother me because I have been in temperatures over 130 degrees in the shade, and my mantra is that I will not complain.


As we prepare for the summer heat, let’s turn not to let the heat get the best of us or our attitudes.


As the Dalai Lama might say, “Don’t let the behaviors of others destroy your inner peace.”


Have a great week ahead, and watch your dispositions.  You never know who’s watching you!


Blog source: https://mckinleysthoughts.com/dispositions-and-what-others-see/

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