National Day of Prayer 2024

Many took time out of their busy schedules this past Thursday (May 2, 2024) to pray.  I was one of them as I celebrated the National Day of Prayer.


Home – National Day of Prayer Task Force

The theme “Lift up the Word-Light Up the World” resonated with me as I reflected on it the entire day.


“For you are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall. This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.”

2 Samuel 22:29-31

This weekend reinforced my faith as I participated in various activities honoring Sister Thea Bowman’s legacy during our Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary 76th Annual Gulf Coast District Conference held in Jackson, Mississippi.


I attended four prayer services starting Friday Night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning.


It was a great time seeing various Courts and Councils from Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina all under one roof with one faith.


The Saturday evening Mass was celebrated with the Most Reverend Joseph R. Kopacz, Bishop of Jackson (Catholic Diocese of Jackson).


Last year, during the 75th Annual Gulf Coast District Conference in Mobile, AL, Father Manuel Williams, C.R. (Mission Director and Pastor) introduced us to Sister Thea Bowman’s world.


This year, Sister Thea Bowman’s legacy connections spanned the entire weekend.


Thea Bowman (


The Legacy of Sister Thea Bowman – Wisconsin Life


As a nation, we are continually challenged and divided, and all faiths need prayer.


Therefore, for me, the National Day of Prayer was something I fully embraced that lasted the entire weekend.


Regardless of our religious preferences, we can pray for one another and those who help unite all.


My question is, how did you spend your National Day of Prayer this year, and do you have something to share as well?


“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness.” – Mahatma Gandhi


Therefore, we all have our weaknesses and struggle to find peace tied to our inner peace.  Today, I wish you the best in whatever religious practices you have, and may your heart and soul find the grace of God.


As you go about your day, I challenge you to think about the theme, “Lift Up the Word-Light Up the World.”  Although National Prayer Day has passed until next year, what can we do to keep the light burning in our hearts?


I now invite you to consider what Sister Thea Bowan said about being a tremendous light.


“I think the difference between me, and some people is that I’m content to do my little bit. Sometimes people think they have to do big things in order to make change. But if each one would light a candle, we’d have a tremendous light.”  ~Thea Bowman

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