Beating the Odds and Dealing with Depression

Although May is Mental Health Awareness Month, depression doesn’t have a month assigned to it.

In my daily travels in various parts of the city, I know many are suffering from depression daily.

Today, I know from experience that everyone does not have the same mental bandwidth to deal with today’s challenges.

“About 5% of adults globally have depression. That number is likely even higher as not everyone who has depression obtains an official diagnosis.”

Depression Statistics (2024) – Forbes Health

I had a conversation with my wife this week about writing my five things down to be grateful for and from that conversation had a landmark idea.

That simple act of gratitude that I practice each day helps keep me grounded in both my faith and reality.

It helps me in beating the odds and dealing with depression because I know what is required of me.

I’m reminded that everything will happen at just the right time.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

However, everyone is not equipped to deal with depression and being able to find a safe space to discover new habits and life skills.

Because I have traveled the world and been to several landmarks, my ideas are sometimes connected to a landmark.

I know that the Global Pandemic has been a landmark for many.

Unknowingly, I started doing various things to actively strengthen my mental health during the pandemic in 2020.

I got up early each morning, took showers, put on clean clothes (not pajamas), and started writing and reading more, creating better habits.

I often wonder who is still using the pandemic as a reason for not being a better person or blaming it on other circumstances.

Although the pandemic was a season, we all had to go through; however, I’m reminded of something I heard a priest say years ago, “Sometimes you have to go through it, to get through it.”

I have gotten through plenty these past four years.

As I think about all the things in my life, I have had to go through to get to the point in my life now, it was the small steps I took each day being consistent.

For the record, depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think, and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn’t worth living.

Depression (major depressive disorder) – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic

Many of us learned about word choice or attitude.  You and I have a choice each day on how we want our day to be, we can choose it to be good or bad; however, do we take it seriously?

In reading Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck I learned years ago it’s a matter of having a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.

It’s all about being resilient and being able to bounce back.  I have learned many lessons as an Army Master Resiliency Trainer over 12 years ago.

I’ve also been able to attend high-level meetings within the Pentagon during my two developmental assignments with the Army Resiliency Directorate where I worked with the Army Suicide Prevention Program (ASPP)

Army Suicide Prevention Program: Suicide Prevention Training and Education

Directorate of Prevention, Resilience, and Readiness (

I’m pleased with understanding early on the various foundational training experiences that have allowed me to better understand depression and its causes.

I also realize that not everyone has had the privileges or the life I had which is why I pass my life lessons on to you.

As you reflect on today’s topic surrounding depression, and beating the odds, I know that reading has helped me tremendously.

The author Jim Kwik wrote a book entitled “Limitless” which was the catalyst or the agent that provoked speeds of significant change or action in my life.

Jim Kwik now has a new book entitled “Limitless Expanded Edition” which I have in my library.

It all started with the simple habit of journalling five things down every day to be grateful for which I have consistently done since April 2020.

Your catalyst or agent of change for you must be significant to the action that works best for you.

We must know when to ask for help and get beyond the stigmatism.

I’d ask that you think about all the people you can call and know the numbers of various hotlines available within your community.

Also seek qualified counselors, which is important.

Today these are my thoughts as someone who has completed 51 of 60 credits towards Clinical Mental Health Counseling that I’m sharing with you.

“Never give up and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds.”~ Anonymous

Each one of us at some point in our lives must deal with adversity.

Because we’re all humans we need to figure out where our breaking point is in understanding how strong or weak we are in dealing with adversity.

As I close, I challenge you to think about all the odds you have beat while remembering that everything will happen at just the right time.

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Leadership Development Coach: The Catalyst for Organizational Growth

In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is by investing in leadership development. A Leadership Development Coach can play a pivotal role in driving organizational growth by nurturing leaders who are not just managers but visionaries capable of steering the company towards success.

The Importance of Leadership Development

Leadership development is not just a buzzword; it is a critical component of any organization that aims to thrive in a competitive market. Effective leaders inspire their teams, foster innovation, and drive the company’s vision forward. However, leadership is not an inherent trait; it is a skill that can be cultivated. This is where a Leadership Development Coach comes into play.

A Leadership Development Coach works closely with individuals within an organization to identify their strengths and weaknesses. They provide tailored coaching to enhance leadership skills, improve decision-making capabilities, and develop strategic thinking. This personalized approach ensures that leaders are well-equipped to handle the challenges that come with their roles, ultimately leading to improved organizational performance.

How a Leadership Development Coach Enhances Organizational Growth

Improving Employee Engagement and Retention

Employee engagement is directly linked to leadership quality. Engaged employees are more productive, motivated, and committed to the organization’s goals. A Leadership Development Coach helps leaders understand the dynamics of employee engagement and equips them with the tools to create a positive work environment. This not only boosts productivity but also reduces turnover, as employees are more likely to stay with a company that offers strong leadership.

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Improvement

A Leadership Development Coach encourages a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the organization. They help leaders embrace change, adapt to new challenges, and foster an environment where innovation thrives. This culture of continuous improvement is essential for staying ahead in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Building Stronger Teams

Effective leadership is about more than just individual performance; it’s about building strong, cohesive teams. A Leadership Development Coach works with leaders to develop their team-building skills, ensuring that they can lead teams that are collaborative, innovative, and aligned with the organization’s goals. Strong teams are the backbone of any successful organization, and effective leadership is key to building and maintaining them.

Realizing the Long-Term Benefits

The benefits of investing in a Leadership Development Coach are not just immediate; they are long-lasting. Organizations that prioritize leadership development are better positioned to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve sustained growth. Leaders who have been coached effectively are more confident, capable, and ready to lead their organizations to new heights.

Moreover, leadership development is an investment in the future of the organization. By developing a pipeline of capable leaders, companies ensure that they have the leadership talent necessary to drive the organization forward in the years to come. This proactive approach to leadership development is crucial for long-term success.


In conclusion, a Leadership Development Coach is not just an asset; they are a catalyst for organizational growth. By enhancing leadership skills, improving employee engagement, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and building stronger teams, a Leadership Development Coach can significantly impact an organization’s success. For companies looking to gain a competitive edge, investing in leadership development through coaching is not just a smart decision—it’s a necessary one.

Embracing the services of a Leadership Development Coach can be the turning point that drives your organization towards its strategic goals, ensuring long-term growth and sustainability in an ever-evolving business environment.


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State of Mind

This week, I’d ask you to consider what state of mind you have been in lately.

Better yet, have you had any “Whoosah” moments?

Whoosah is a slang expression variously used to indicate or achieve a state of calm and relaxation.

Particularly when you don’t have anywhere to go, you can let your mind wander or relax. I decided to relax.

However, how do you put yourself in the proper frame of mind in California, celebrating 100 years of Toastmasters down the street from Disneyland?

On top of that, the second day you’re in California, there is an earthquake.

Between the peaks and valleys and various roller coaster thoughts, I wasn’t on vacation but on an adventure that would be an incredible seven-day journey.
Over the last seven days (August 11, 2024, through August 17, 2024), I had the unique opportunity to be in a specific state of mind during our Annual Toastmasters Convention in Anaheim, California.

It was our centennial celebration!

What was interesting for me was being with and around like-minded people who brought Toastmasters into their minds and worlds.

Notably, being around so many like-minded people, with the majority present having the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designation behind their names, me included.

The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters.

Even though we were celebrating 100 years in the area where Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, our founder, created the vision of Toastmasters, something was different.

My state of mind during the Annual Toastmasters Convention had me reflecting on why I was here and the opportunity to attend a Toastmasters meeting at the first club established. (Smedley Chapter One Toastmasters Club in Santa Ana, California.) Founders District!

The meeting theme was “Walk in the footsteps of Ralph Smedley.”

I physically took a tour from his Church to the YMCA building, which all happened under the vision of Dr. Ralph C. Smedley.
To be clear, Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person.

Toastmasters International, as the name implies, has approximately 270,000 members in more than 14,000 clubs in 150 countries.

Seeing and hearing each of the 150 countries’ names and flags during the opening ceremony or the parade of flags this week was a state of mind.

Our newest country, added to the list less than six weeks ago, was Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius.

During one of our leadership training sessions, I had a NEXUS moment when the gentleman introduced himself and gave me his card.

All the top three leaders of each district (known as the Trio) attended workshops in their specific areas, and the gentleman from the Republic of Mauritius was also a Program Quality Director, like me.

It was electrifying during the opening ceremony on Wednesday night, with the entire Toastmasters community present.

Sitting in the audience, I thought about the connection of my two grandsons’ father, who has roots in Mauritius because his mother is from that island.

Today, many speakers, myself included, give credit to their experiences with Toastmasters.

Yet, every day, people have no idea of the benefits of Toastmasters International.

It’s an organization where members invest in themselves at a small cost of $60 every six months. Those joining the first time also pay a new member fee of $20, which supports your designated pathway projects.

The Toastmasters International tagline is “Where Leaders are Made.”

When I think about leaders and Toastmasters, I also think about a call to action.

Each of us wants our listeners to take action after hearing our speeches. With Toastmasters, the learning never stops. Join Toastmasters, and you will:

Toastmasters is not about flying alone like the Eagles; it’s more about being a pigeon and flocking together to help each other succeed.


As they say, “Don’t be afraid to be outnumbered; Eagles fly alone, pigeons flock together.”

I admit my adventure never stopped, as the first leg of my trip back home took me to Atlanta. I heard babies crying on the plane and watched an individual needing medication as I hustled to get from Concourse A to D to catch my connecting flight.

As luck would have it, I made it to my seat within twenty minutes, and the aircraft closed its doors, not knowing it would be grounded from taking off because of the thunderstorms in Atlanta.

I learned that they had weather birds or spotters in the air to determine the best routes for things like this.


It didn’t matter to me because I was on the plane and had nowhere to go but home.

There was no connection except to get in the car.

As I thought about everything I had been through the entire week, waiting for the storm to pass was the least of my worries.

Today, I challenge you to think about the state of mind you have been in lately and all those “Whoosah” moments. Where you able to achieve a state of calm and relaxation?


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We all have the same 24 hours; how are you spending yours?

Today, I thought about everything I needed to accomplish and realized we all have the same 24 hours to finish things.


I’m not one for procrastinating; however, there is a limit to my patience when I know I need to accomplish a specific task.


I’m reminded of Peter F. Drucker, known as “The Father of Modern Management,” that many have forgotten about because of our era.


Yet there are many lessons we can learn in his book “Managing in Time of Great Change.”


Shining shoes and ironing are some of my tasks, although not significant.


Because I practice time management, I will shine up to eight pairs of shoes at one time or wait until I have one week’s worth of laundry to iron before accomplishing the task.


It’s OCD in me or a specific habit that live by, because I don’t particularly appreciate putting anything away in my closet without it being ready to wear later.


I’m blessed that I can pack for a trip at a moment’s notice and never have to iron anything because everything in my closet is ready to go.


I constantly thank God for blessing me with shoes and clothes.


For some reason, this week, I thought about all the rich people who have the luxury of having their shoes shined and clothes ironed.


For them, it’s probably a task beneath them, and I have never forgotten where I came from.


At an early age, I remember laying out my clothes for the week and having one pair of shoes shine as I prepared for my inspection by my mother.


However, luxury is not always available for everyday people, especially if it’s something you like doing.


It’s incredible how many of us spend our time each day.


We have many competing priorities, and unforeseen things which pull us in various directions.


I’m reminded of all the book reports and papers I wrote over the years and how it feels to not be stressed about completing these tasks.


Today, as an educator, when I go into various colleges and speak with students, many don’t have the focus that I have regarding proper planning.


Yet, many don’t know where their time goes, which could lead them to greater productivity and effectiveness.


Time Management the Peter Drucker Way | Psychology Today


Many of us have heard or used the Pareto Principle regarding time management.


Pareto Principle (The 80-20 Rule): Examples & More (


Pareto says, “The top 20% of your priorities will give you an 80% return if you spend 80% of your time on the top 20% of your priorities.”


Don’t try to manage your time – manage yourself! – John Maxwell


I also learned that “There’s no such thing as time management” and that we must better manage ourselves.


Yet, countless time management courses are out there for the taking.


I remember using the PalmPilot from 2000-2004 to help me manage my time as my personal data assistant (PDA).


However, with the emergence of Smart Phones, the PalmPilot PDA quickly became obsolete.


Today, with so much at our fingertips with the invention of Artificial Intelligence, we can use it to help manage our time.


Master Time Management with Artificial Intelligence (AI) (


I haven’t gotten that far yet using all available; however, I believe we each must do a better job mentally managing our time.


Although we all have the same 24 hours, many have not broken the code and figured out how to complete more on time.


As you enjoy this Labor Day Weekend, think about all those who still need to punch in on a time clock.


In closing, my heart goes out to those average Americans still working 12-hour days and seven-day weeks to survive or make a basic living.


Labor Day 2024: Facts, Meaning & Founding | HISTORY


Enjoy your time and remember that we all have the same 24 hours a day.  Some of us have figured out how to manage it better.


I trust that you are one of them.


Today, you have three quotes that may best resonate with you.


“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin


“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” – Winston Churchill


“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra


Knowing there’s no such thing as time management, I challenge you to think about your time management skills, as we all have the same 24 hours each day to plan, think, and prepare for our future.


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