No More Speaker Struggles! Find the Perfect Public Speaker in Alabama !


Planning an event in Alabama? Finding the right speaker can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. But fear not! This blog post will equip you with the knowledge and resources to find the perfect public speaker in Alabama for your next event.

Why a Public Speaker Matters

A captivating speaker can elevate your event from good to great. Public speakers bring energy, expertise, and a fresh perspective to your event, keeping your audience engaged and ensuring they walk away with valuable takeaways.

The Right Speaker for the Right Occasion

The key to a successful speaker selection lies in understanding your event's goals and target audience. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Event Theme: Is it a motivational kick-off meeting, an industry conference, or a client appreciation gala? The theme will guide your speaker search.
  • Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? A young tech startup might benefit from a high-energy speaker, while a seasoned professional audience might prefer a more formal approach.
  • Desired Outcome: Do you want to inspire, educate, or entertain? Knowing your desired outcome helps narrow down speaker options.

Alabama's Diverse Public Speaker Talent Pool

Alabama boasts a rich pool of public speakers with a wide range of expertise and speaking styles. Here are some examples:

  • Motivational Speakers: These inspiring individuals can energize your team and ignite a desire for success.
  • Industry Experts: Bring in thought leaders to share their knowledge on specific industry trends and challenges.
  • Business Leaders: Leaders from Alabama's thriving business community can offer valuable insights and real-world experience.
  • Storytellers: A captivating storyteller can connect with your audience on an emotional level and leave a lasting impression.

Beyond Expertise: Essential Speaker Qualities

Expertise is crucial, but it's not the only factor. Look for speakers with:

  • Stage Presence: They should be confident, articulate, and comfortable commanding a room.
  • Engaging Style: Can they hold the audience's attention and keep them actively involved?
  • Strong Communication Skills: Clear and concise communication is essential for delivering a powerful message.
  • Ability to Tailor Content: A great speaker can adapt their material to fit your specific event needs.

Finding Your Perfect Match: Resources and Tips

Now that you understand the importance of Perfect Public Speaker in Alabama, here are some resources to help you find the perfect fit:

  • Speaker Bureaus: Partnering with a reputable speaker bureau connects you with a vast network of speakers and simplifies the search process.
  • Online Directories: Several online directories list public speakers by location and expertise.
  • Industry Associations: Industry associations often have their own speaker recommendation services.
  • Social Media: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to research and connect with potential speakers.

Beyond the Search: Booking and Preparation

Once you've identified a few potential speakers, it's time to explore their availability, fees, and presentation styles. Here are some additional tips:

  • Read Reviews and Watch Videos: Gain insights into the speaker's style and audience reception.
  • Schedule a Call: Discuss your event goals and ensure the speaker understands your expectations.
  • Provide Clear Requirements: Clearly outline the presentation topic, time constraints, and any audio/visual needs.
  • Offer Feedback: After the event, provide the speaker with constructive feedback to further strengthen their performance.

Conclusion: A Successful Event Starts with the Right Speaker

By following these tips and leveraging the wealth of public speakers in Alabama, you can transform your event into a memorable and impactful experience. The right speaker can engage your audience, deliver valuable insights, and leave a lasting impression, propelling your event towards resounding success. So, ditch the speaker struggles and get ready to find the perfect match for your Alabama event today!


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Lessons Learned in Life


As you start the week off, what lesson have you learned that continues to resonate with you?


One thing that I have learned is that no man is an island.


Today, I witnessed people who are stand-alone type individuals.


They are stand-alone because they believe the world revolves around them.


Sometimes, it takes a significant emotional event to see the light at the end of the tunnel!


As I reflect on the background to John Donne’s ‘No Man is an Island’ sermon, we must understand its context.


I’ve learned as a soldier, civilian, husband, father, and friend to know those five words: “No Man is an island” when I become challenged.


Many of us have learned the lessons of these five words in our lives.


There are times when we can’t do something or some things alone.


We need help.


The times when we tell ourselves that failure is not an option and realize we must call in for reinforcements to help pull us out of the proverbial mud or the quagmire that is holding us back.


Sometimes, we get stuck in our thinking, needing the assistance of a mentor, friend, colleague, or even a protégé to see the bigger picture.


Ironically, during the COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, a global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), many experienced the need to see or be around people.


Lesson 7, particularly in the article from Yale Medicine, says, “Community is essential—and technology is too.”

Yet sometimes, we are not willing to fully understand the situations we are placed in until it’s a significant emotional event for us.


If you have not witnessed a significant emotional event (SEE), keep living, and you will.


Significant Emotional Event & The Impact on Your Employees |


As I write today, I’m also thinking of the five letters VABES that I learned during one of my courses at Darden Business School taught by James G. Clawson on Level 3 Leadership.


It stands for Values, Assumptions, Beliefs and Expectations.


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Although ten years have passed, the lessons I learned at Darden Business School are potent reminders that no man is an island.


They are my powerful reminders because I see the VABES of others around me each day, not to mention reflection on my own VABES.


I realize sometimes we all, me included, need help pulling off our “rose-colored glasses” to understand that no man is an island.


Rose Colored Glasses – An Idiom Of Optimism Or Ignorance (


As we prepare to enter the month of May, many High Schools and Colleges are also preparing for graduation.

I’m sure each graduating student has learned and incorporated various VABES, which they will soon understand or make a reality.


Some will enter the workforce as a culture shock, while others will still try to figure it out, thinking they can do it independently.


I pray that the significant emotional events (SEE) we’ve learned in our lives have taught us various lessons on being resilient that we can pass on to others.


Therefore, as you start your week, think about the lessons you have learned and those you continue to understand that you want to pass on to others.


“Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.” ~ Plato

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As an avid reader of two books a month, I read “Limitless” by Jim Kwik four years ago.  Today, I continue to be limitless in writing five things down each day to be grateful for and not taking specific things in my life for granted.


Bing Videos


When you look at the symbol for limitless or infinity, it resembles a sideways figure eight.  “Infinity is boundless, endless, or larger than any natural number. The infinity symbol often denotes it.”


Unraveling the Infinity Symbol: Its Origins and Impact on Mathematics — Curiosmos


Jim Kwik inspired me to write those five things down as many of us four years ago were trying to understand COVID-19 and how the pandemic changed the world.


However, I put his words into action and have journaled ever since.


As I celebrate my fourth year of journaling, the experience is rewarding as I can look back in time.  I’ve also learned through the process that I should never take things for granted, specifically my health.


The days of me being 30 and bulletproof are long gone.


As I hit my internal reset button this month, I quickly realized that April showed up with actions items I had planned on doing a few months ago.


In a Golfer’s world, the word “Mulligan” or a free shot is sometimes given to a golfer in informal play when the previous shot was poorly played.


Mulligan Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster


What free shots do you need in 2024?


Earlier this week, as I was meditating, I thought about various things to be grateful for, such as the three numbers “7-5-7” and how far I have been.


For those wondering, 7-5-7 is the area code where I grew up in Newport News, Virginia.


I’ve never forgotten my roots, and at this point, it’s hard not to.


On my wall I have the words “Don’t forget where you came from, but never lose sight of where you are going.”


Growing up with three military bases around me, in the early to mid-70s, many people found employment at the Shipyard as a source of income and retired from there. I did not.



“The shipyard is a major employer, not only for the lower Virginia Peninsula, but also portions of Hampton Roads south of the James River and the harbor, portions of the Middle Peninsula region, and even some northeastern counties of North Carolina.”


Then, after my last duty assignment from the military, I spent 18 combined years in Augusta, GA.


Just like the Shipyard in Newport News, VA, many of the people I knew worked at Savannah River Nuclear Solutions or SRS, I did not.


SRNS – Our Location (


When I think about leaving the 7-5-7 area at 17 and not looking back, I’m grateful that I joined the military.


I’m grateful that I realized I didn’t need to do what others did in the local area.


I’ve written many entries in my gratitude journal, including my education, having both a bachelor’s and master’s degree, and various certifications with attendance at various prestigious colleges.


I say this not in a braggadocio matter; however, knowing how God has blessed me and continues to bless me is worth being grateful.


Also, having lived near and growing up in the projects and seeing them every day I travel to Mass on the other side of town, there is a sense of empathy for the people that walk the streets daily.


Sometimes, and most often even on my trips back and forth to Birmingham, Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa, seeing the haves and have-nots makes me even more grateful for what I have and the current journey that I’m on now.


This month is a reminder that we can do more in 2024.  It’s how we set our priorities and gratitude for living each day.


I’m so glad that my past has not decided my future and that my thoughts do not sabotage me.


Don’t Allow Your Past to Control Your Future | Psychology Today   


In addition, I’m grateful for being part of the community in 2024 rooted in Positive Intelligence (PQ) with Shirzad Chamine.


This is one area in which I continue to grow my PQ.


“The past doesn’t define you; your present does. It’s okay to create a vision of the future because it affects your behavior in the “now,” but don’t dwell on past mistakes. Learn from them and focus on those lessons in the moment. That’s where change can really happen.”

— Jillian Michaels


Therefore, don’t give your past the power to define your future.


Today, it’s about being grateful and not taking anything for granted.

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Sharpen Your Skills, Achieve Your Goals: The Power of Professional Development with Curtis Leadership and Training

In today's competitive landscape, both individuals and organizations need to continuously develop to stay ahead. Investing in professional development isn't optional; it's a strategic advantage. Effective development programs empower employees to refine their skills, boost their confidence, and drive positive change within your organization.

Curtis Leadership and Training is your partner in achieving this growth. We offer a comprehensive suite of programs designed to cultivate exceptional leaders, high-performing teams, and a thriving organizational culture.

Why Invest in Professional Development with Curtis Leadership and Training?

Unlocking Individual Potential:

  • Skill Development: Our targeted programs equip employees with the necessary skills to excel in their roles, from communication and problem-solving to leadership and strategic thinking.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Mastering new skills and expanding their knowledge base empowers employees to tackle challenges and take on greater responsibility with confidence.
  • Increased Motivation: Investing in your employees' growth demonstrates your commitment to their success, fostering a more motivated and engaged workforce.

Building Stronger Teams:

  • Improved Communication and Collaboration: Curtis Leadership and Training offers programs that equip teams with effective communication strategies, fostering collaboration and a sense of unity.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Learn how to navigate interpersonal challenges constructively with our conflict resolution training.
  • Team Building: Our interactive workshops create a space for teams to bond, build trust, and establish clear goals.

Cultivating a Thriving Organizational Culture:

  • Enhanced Leadership: Strong leadership is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Curtis Leadership and Training offers leadership development programs that help individuals hone their leadership skills and inspire their teams.
  • Positive Work Environment: Investing in ongoing professional development fosters a sense of value and belonging among employees, leading to a more positive and productive work environment.
  • Increased Innovation: When employees feel empowered and supported, creativity flourishes, leading to innovation and a competitive edge.

What Makes Curtis Leadership and Training Unique?

Customized Solutions: We understand that every organization has unique needs. Curtis Leadership and Training works closely with you to develop customized training programs that align with your specific goals and company culture.

Expert Trainers: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in leadership development, training, and business coaching.

Measurable Impact: We go beyond simply delivering training. Curtis Leadership and Training provides data-driven insights to track progress, measure the impact of our programs, and ensure you see a return on investment.

Sharpen Your Skills, Achieve Your Goals with Curtis Leadership and Training

Ready to unlock the full potential of your workforce? Look no further than Curtis Leadership and Training. We offer a comprehensive suite of programs designed to address your specific needs and help you achieve your organizational goals.

Here's how Curtis Leadership and Training can help you:

  • Needs Assessment: We begin by conducting a thorough needs assessment to understand your company's unique challenges and aspirations.
  • Program Development: In collaboration with you, we design a customized training program that aligns with your goals and targets the specific needs of your employees and teams.
  • Delivery and Implementation: Our experienced trainers deliver engaging and interactive workshops to effectively impart knowledge and skills.
  • Evaluation and Feedback: Curtis Leadership and Training provides continuous monitoring and evaluation tools to measure the impact of our training programs and ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Investing in professional development with Curtis Leadership and Training is an investment in the future of your organization. Contact us today for a free consultation and let's discuss how we can help you empower your employees, build strong teams, and achieve lasting success.


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Turning Obstacles into Opportunity

First, I must tell you what a difference a week makes.

No one would have ever expected that a city as large as Huntsville, AL, would be shut down for almost a week due to weather.


City of Huntsville, City of Madison and Madison County will close on Tuesday, Jan. 16  – City of Huntsville (


As life returned to normal, I thought about “Turning Obstacles into Opportunity” because that was what it was for me.


For five days, from January 15, 2024, to January 19, 2024, I remained sheltered in place due to freezing temperatures and Icy roads.


According to HPD, there have been 162 weather-related accidents this week and more than 20 that involved injuries.


Officials urge caution on Huntsville roads as crews work, traffic accidents more than doubled this week |


Drivers heating up over icy road conditions in Huntsville (


It was apparent this past Friday, January 26, 2024, after listening to individuals during my rescheduled Doctor’s appointment.  I was one of many that had to cancel during the storm.  When a facility is closed for a week, you adjust.  I also learned many didn’t take the storm as an opportunity to refocus.


Many who live in the Huntsville area have never witnessed being out of work, getting paid, and having nowhere to go based on road conditions.


I asked one young lady as I waited for the Doctor when was the last time, she witnessed weather like this?  Her response was that “she grew up here and had never witnessed it so badly; however, she remembered it as an elementary student staying home, but not for a week.”


You and I know that history often repeats itself.  I’m always amazed at how quickly we forget things, such as how the pandemic had us sheltering in place, yet people had to go out into the weather knowing the conditions were unsafe.


So that you know what Saturday (January 20, 2024) looked like from my home to traveling to Mass in Huntsville, the roads were 90% dry and clear.  However, my Church parking lot was an ice staking rink with the asphalt covered with a sheet of ice with a temperature below freezing.


My Rosary partner told me she hadn’t been to the 7 AM morning Mass all week and decided to take a chance for the 5 PM Saturday Vigil Mass.


Ironically, we had a great crowd at Mass that took a chance; however, others were still stuck at home based on icy roads and slick driveways that had not been defrosted by Saturday evening.


I tell you this story because, for the most part, “The Rocket City” of Huntsville, Alabama, was an obstacle that many did not take the opportunity to use wisely based on weather conditions.


Being a Scout means being prepared, and those seven years as a Scout Leader taught me various lessons that I imparted to the youth I trained.


It’s one of those traits where I practiced and taught preparedness in young people.


Through various communication mediums, everyone in the area was told before the storm hit to be prepared and get their necessities before Sunday night.


I took that seriously and had enough to last the required time; others did not.


As always, you and I know the first things that go off the shelf are bread, milk, and eggs, which, listening to those who did not plan, witnessed the short supply during the storm.


I now have a deeper appreciation for the individuals living in the North as I made phone calls hearing that they were already two or three storms into it.


Sometimes, life throws minor inconveniences that we must overcome and take with a grain of salt, which was also required for the driveways.


Maybe there is a lesson to be learned for some to pay more attention to the weather and become more resilient in the process.


Either way, turning obstacles into opportunities is what I have learned by being prepared and using my time wisely.


What obstacles in your life have you turned into opportunities lately?

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Do Your Best Today

This past weekend, my inspiration for today’s blog was inspired by the words of a painting associate who told me that the general manager/director was visiting his location.


He said, “People are scurrying around looking busy in preparation for his presence.”


What I learned and taught during my seven years as a Scout leader is impressive, teaching young people always to do your best.  We taught them the slogan “To do a good turn daily.”

Boy Scout Slogan (

During the 1996 Summer Olympics (officially the Games of the XXVI Olympiad, also known as Atlanta 1996 and commonly referred to as the Centennial Olympic), I witnessed this mentality.


The military reinforced those principles and also taught me to do my best.


Yet, I still see many adults or soon-to-be adults where this message of doing your best hasn’t transformed all.


I don’t believe it has transformed when I visit different places and see people either on their phones, yawning from a lack of sleep, or verbally telling me they are ready to go home.


However, it’s not all doom and gloom, and there is always room for improvement for all ages.  There are places where employees hold each other accountable, and those locations continue to receive my business.


Ironically, I saw that in action last Saturday evening as I ordered a to-go food.  The person on the register was a young male, making it happen for everyone to see his talents.  He was energetic; it was not my first time seeing his talents on display.


I learned in the military from a retired Four Star General that we should remember that someone is always watching us.


I know if management went back and reviewed the footage on the camera, that is the type of employee destined to go places.


What are your reminders for doing your best?


How are you doing your best today when no one is watching?

What does it take to do your best, or are you waiting for others to show you the way?


In looking at a McKinsey Quarterly article dated May 1, 2015, I wonder how times have changed since they wrote about “The simple rules of disciplined innovation.”


The simple rules of disciplined innovation | McKinsey


We often hear people making it simple for individuals to follow the rules, yet there’s a different mentality in the workplace.


I know there has been a shift in the workplace mentality since the Pandemic.


Here’s what employees want after COVID-19 – McKinsey report | World Economic Forum (


Some people have gotten the memo, and some have not.


During my visit this past Saturday at the local Home Improvement Center, it was clear that a sense of urgency is still required to get employee’s attention.


As one who studies “Emotional Intelligence,” I can quickly spot those with a problem with self-regulation and can’t control their emotions instead of allowing them to control them.


Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: What You Should Know (


The gentleman who told me the General Manager/Director was visiting his location was a prime example of managing one’s feelings and learning to adapt to different situations.


Imagine how it would be if only we could do our best when no one is watching and serving others to a higher standard without the Carrot and Stick.


Carrot and Stick Motivation: Definition and Examples in the Workplace |


Today, as you and I look in the mirror, are we doing our best or simply allowing our emotional intelligence to get the best of us?


I believe the quote from H. Jackson Brown says it all! “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

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Infographic: What Public Speakers in Alabama Offer


"Curtis Leadership and Training is founded on continuously adding value to others. Service to others is a crucial component and the guiding principle by which Curtis Leadership and Training exist. It’s always committed to providing the best possible services while consistently exceeding customer expectations.

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